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1. ANVR, SGR AND CALAMITEITENFONDS (membership in process – not member yet)

BYD is a trade name of N. Europe Vizit b.v. and is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 62003178. N. Europe Vizit b.v. is a member of the ANVR, SGR and the Calamiteitenfonds. (applied for membership)

ANVR terms and conditions for consumers (membership in process – not member yet)

N. Europe Vizit b.v. (Ch. of Comm. 62003178) is a member of the ANVR. This association has strict membership requirements and promotes the quality of travel and travel-related information. All tours, holidays and packages on the website of the BYD are offered on condition that the ANVR terms and conditions for travel apply to all offers on this website unless explicitly specified otherwise. (applied for membership)

SGRTravel Compensation Fund (membership in process – not member yet)

N. Europe Vizit b.v. (Ch. of Comm. 62003178) is a member of the SGR. All tours, holidays and packages on the website of the BYD are covered by the SGR guarantee within the limits of the SGR guarantee scheme. The SGR guarantee assures the consumer that any deposit paid for a booking will be reimbursed if the other party fails to meet its obligation due to a lack of funds. If the agreement also includes transport and the destination has been reached, the return trip is also covered and taken care of. (applied for membership)

Contingency Fund

N. Europe Vizit b.v. (Ch. of Comm. 62003178) is a member of the Stichting Calamiteitenfonds Reizen. All tours, holidays and packages on the website of the BYD are covered by the Contingency Fund guarantee within the limits of the Contingency Fund guarantee scheme. This guarantee assures that consumers who are going on one of our organised tours:

  • will be (partly) reimbursed for the travel sum in the event our tour cannot take place either fully or in part as a result of an emergency;
  • will be reimbursed for additional costs if as a result of an emergency we have to change the tour or if we have to repatriate the consumer early. Emergency is understood to mean an abnormal event caused by acts of war or natural disaster.

The contribution to the Contingency Fund is € 2.50 per booking. A maximum applies of 9 persons per booking. If you book more than one tour, holiday or package on the BYD website, you pay this contribution only once. (not applicable yet)

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Our travel company offering bespoke holidays to exclusive luxury hotels at destinations throughout the Mediterranean and around the world. Our dedicated team is here to help you find the right holiday for you, whether you are looking for lazy days on the beach, excursions to historic places, a romantic break or exciting activities. If you need more information or some specialist assistance in creating your perfect vacation, please let us know what we can do for you.
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